“Father I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I confess today that I am a sinner Lord and that I need Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I confess all the times that I gave place to the devil in my thoughts, words and deeds as sin.

I confess all the times that I was disobedient to Your Word and disappointed You as sin and I ask You now to forgive me in Jesus Name. Thank You Father that I know You do forgive me now and that You will not remember my sins. (Hebr.8:12)

Lord now I confess that I believe with my whole heart that Jesus Christ died for me on the cross and was physically resurrected from death by God (Rom.10:9,10) to sit at Your right hand Father, and I proclaim that I now receive the Lord Jesus Christ (Joh.1:12,13) as my only King, my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer and my Friend.

Lord I ask that You will lead me by Your Holy Spirit (Rom.8:14) and that You will teach me to stay in Your Word, to strive after sanctification and to live it (1 Petr.1:15,16). Please give me a new hunger for Your Word Lord and personally reveal Your Scriptures to me by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord that I may know that I may also be Your child and may live under the leading of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.”