hennie & petra van der westhuizen
Teaching, prayer, marriage-ministry & discipleship training.
Mobile: 0825001259
E-mail: info@paragonlife.co.za
Evangelist / Life Coach / Businessman

hennie & petra van der westhuizen
Teaching, prayer, marriage-ministry & discipleship training.
Mobile: 0825001259
E-mail: info@paragonlife.co.za
Evangelist / Life Coach / Businessman
I got saved in my final year at school, followed the course of least-resistance; jumped through all the spiritual hoops; studied Theology and became a faithful disciple of ‘churchianity.’ Needless to say, I was on my way to hell. I did not change into the image of Christ. I was merely a convert, but not a disciple – a spiritual orphan and not a son. Everything changed for me, when I was brutally challenged with the rude awakening truth, through Tiaan Gildenhuys’ teachings. I was challenged with concepts of pagan-Christianity, my involvement with it and the treachery of the church in general. Like most followers, I was overwhelmed with questions like: Why is the church not taking up her God-given responsibility of discipling and empowering believers in Christ, like she ought to? Why wasn’t I thoroughly discipled and trained in the Word of God? If Adonai is such a powerful God to serve, why wasn’t my life manifesting this simple truth? I found my answers on Tiaan’s bookshelves.
My life has changed since. It is powerful. It has purpose. And it is changing lives. I have started a fruit-bearing bible school and we’ve had hundreds of students over the last seven years, rediscovering their identity, power, potential and purpose in Christ. It comes as no surprise that persecution and hostility will inevitably follow those, who preach the uncompromising truth. Nevertheless, Father God is still establishing His kingdom in Bloemfontein! And we are grateful for His works.
My wife and I have a great passion for marriages. Christian marriages fail miserably, because of a lack of understanding for the Creator’s model. We have consequently, been presenting ‘Amazing-Race-Marriage-Seminars’ to the Bloemfontein community and surrounding towns. These seminars include an action-packed race with challenges for every couple. We have many testimonies of how God saved marriages through these seminars.
Many believers also battle with the understanding, hearing and discerning of God’s voice. You cannot be led by the Good Shepherd, if you cannot recognise His voice. I also present practical workshop seminars in addressing this need in the body of Christ. Other seminars include ‘Courting-versus-Dating’ seminars for the single community. I address the question: How does one position yourself for God’s providence, with regards to a prospecting marriage-partner? Like everything in life, there is a protocol to follow. If you want a blessing, you need to honour a principle-God.
Petra my wife, is my pillar of strength and help in the ministry. She contributes in the responsibility-sharing of teaching, pre-marital counselling and discipleship training. As businessman, I am also a life coach, I present Emotional Intelligence workshops, youth-and-leadership development courses and other soft-skill workshops. I also coordinate corporate and group teambuilding initiatives, men’s camps and father-and-son retreats.
I got saved in my final year at school, followed the course of least-resistance; jumped through all the spiritual hoops; studied Theology and became a faithful disciple of ‘churchianity.’ Needless to say, I was on my way to hell. I did not change into the image of Christ. I was merely a convert, but not a disciple – a spiritual orphan and not a son. Everything changed for me, when I was brutally challenged with the rude awakening truth, through Tiaan Gildenhuys’ teachings. I was challenged with concepts of pagan-Christianity, my involvement with it and the treachery of the church in general. Like most followers, I was overwhelmed with questions like: Why is the church not taking up her God-given responsibility of discipling and empowering believers in Christ, like she ought to? Why wasn’t I thoroughly discipled and trained in the Word of God? If Adonai is such a powerful God to serve, why wasn’t my life manifesting this simple truth? I found my answers on Tiaan’s bookshelves.
My life has changed since. It is powerful. It has purpose. And it is changing lives. I have started a fruit-bearing bible school and we’ve had hundreds of students over the last seven years, rediscovering their identity, power, potential and purpose in Christ. It comes as no surprise that persecution and hostility will inevitably follow those, who preach the uncompromising truth. Nevertheless, Father God is still establishing His kingdom in Bloemfontein! And we are grateful for His works.
My wife and I have a great passion for marriages. Christian marriages fail miserably, because of a lack of understanding for the Creator’s model. We have consequently, been presenting ‘Amazing-Race-Marriage-Seminars’ to the Bloemfontein community and surrounding towns. These seminars include an action-packed race with challenges for every couple. We have many testimonies of how God saved marriages through these seminars.
Many believers also battle with the understanding, hearing and discerning of God’s voice. You cannot be led by the Good Shepherd, if you cannot recognise His voice. I also present practical workshop seminars in addressing this need in the body of Christ. Other seminars include ‘Courting-versus-Dating’ seminars for the single community. I address the question: How does one position yourself for God’s providence, with regards to a prospecting marriage-partner? Like everything in life, there is a protocol to follow. If you want a blessing, you need to honour a principle-God.
Petra my wife, is my pillar of strength and help in the ministry. She contributes in the responsibility-sharing of teaching, pre-marital counselling and discipleship training. As businessman, I am also a life coach, I present Emotional Intelligence workshops, youth-and-leadership development courses and other soft-skill workshops. I also coordinate corporate and group teambuilding initiatives, men’s camps and father-and-son retreats.